Democrat Debate

The other day I tuned into the Democrat debate in Philadelphia. I must confess that I only saw about half of the show. But I found it interesting.

Both Hillary and Barack were reluctant to criticize the DC ban on guns. They tiptoed around the subject a lot. I guess they both are afraid of losing votes at this critical juncture. They did make some good points on gun control. Obama gave some gruesome examples of kids getting gunned down in Chicago. And Clinton spoke about the benefit of local gun laws in New York which cater to the specific locality.

Obama took a chance I thought at speaking bluntly regarding taxes. He said you don't get something for nothing. And that means he has to raise some taxes to combat the deficit. It sounded like he wanted to raise the capital gains tax rate, and also tax wealthy people more. Ouch. Hillary just responded by saying we should spend less.

One thing Hillary and Barack had in common was blasting the Bush, McCain, and the whole Republican party. Typical democrats. Or shall I say typical politicians. There was one humorous question where Hillary was asked how, as president, she would use past presidents such as George W. Bush.