Obama Tax Returns

Barrack Obama and wife have made public their tax returns for the last 7 or so years. I applaud this effort. Apparently Obama makes a decent salary as a senator. But he really cleaned up with his income from his book. Together he and his wide made over $1 million in tax year 2006.

Strangely enough, Hillary Clinton has not made her tax returns public information. I wonder what she is waiting for. If she includes Bill Clinton's tax information as well, I bet their income is going to look Barack look poor.

No wonder Obama girl loves you Barack. You got the power. And you also got the cash. Maybe you are destined to be the next president of the United States. I will have only one thing to say then - bring our troops home.

The Race Card

About a week ago, a controversy erupted regarding words spoken by Geraldine Ferraro. As you might recall, she was on the ticket with Walter Mondale in 1984 as vice president. Ferraro stated that Obama would not be in the position he is today if he were white.

Ferraro works on the Hilliary Clinton finance committee. At first Ferraro stood by her words. She stated that she was exercising her first amendment rights, and that she would not be discriminated against because she was white.

Ferraro almost seemed to go on the offensive. She accused the Obama team of playing the race card. In the end she stepped down from her post on the Clinton finance committee. She did not want the issue to bring Hillary down. I find it a shame that this happened. Have we become so politically correct that we must jump when a black man cries "racism"?

Personally I would not have voted for Mondale/Ferraro in 1984 if I could have. However I applaud Ferraro's courage in not backing down from her recent words. Geraldine - this post is for you.

Eliot Spitzer Owned

The news wires are buzzing about the resignation of Eliot Spitzer. To tell the truth, before the whole prostitution scandal broke out, I did not know much about the governor of New York. At least the guy made the right choice rather than be impeached.

It is strange that there had previously been talks about Spitzer running for president. Now we have degenerates such as Heidi Fleiss putting the man down for his hypocrisy. Things change real quick when a scandal is involved.

The reason I highlight Spitzer is that he is a prime example of somebody who looks clean on the outside, but has skeletons hiding in the closet. Do any of our top presidential candidates have similar issues hidden about their past? It is hard to tell.

MySpace McCain

Today I did a Google search on John McCain. I was interested in his MySpace page which came up pretty early in the search results pages. So I clicked over to his MySpace page. I was actually quite impressed with the page. It felt like a normal, well crafted MySpace page. This is the real question: Did John actually create the page himself? Or did he assign his team the task with making his page more appearing to the normal person?

Something that was unusual was that I did not see his family listed in his list of MySpace friends. You would think his wife and/or his daughter would be up there at the number one friend position. Or maybe that is what they thought we would be expecting, so they decided to mix it up. Who knows? At least the guy is working to reach out with the a newer type of media. So do you think John McCain is also on FaceBook? LOL.

McCain Domination

It looks like John McCain has clenched the Republican nomination for the presidential race. He owned the last primary, winning in all the states. This is in sharp contrast to what appears to be a close race to the finish between Hillary and Barrack.

I was sad to see Huckabee call it quits in the race for the president. Even though it was clear that he was not getting the Republican nomination, I like a candidate that does not quit. It shows that Hillary is not a quitter. I may not like her. But I like that quality about her.

On a lighter note, I have been scouring the McCain Bloggette BLOG written by McCain's daughter. And I swear I cannot find any revealing pictures of McCain's daughter on the site. My hunch tells me she is one voluptuous girl. Check out the picture above though. Aren't Hannah Montana fans too young to vote?