Barack Obama

I can honestly say I do not currently know what Barack Obama stands for. But I do know that Oprah stands for him. And I hear Barack stands for change. He must be a good speaker and a charismatic guy. He won in Iowa. Let me study his official web site for clues.

After skipping an initial signup page, I quickly got to Obama's issues page. None of the top issues he lists interests me. It is funny to note that the formatting for all of his issues do not match up. But that is a side detail.

Barack states that he is for immigration reform. And he chides other candidates for making it a point of contention. But I can't clearly understand what type of reform Barack intends. Deduct 2 points. Barack states he was initially against Iraq. And he says his plan for Iraq has met approval from some people. But he did not list a summary of his plan. Typical political mumbo jumbo.

Having read Barack Obama's issues page, I have no clue what he stands for. This web site is poorly done. Or he is taking the typical political move of stating no direct opinions. It is a shame. Barack has a lot of Buzz going on about him. I wish he could have clearly written down his stance on the key issues. To close on a light note, at least he was unique in that he listed technology as an issue.