Duncan Hunter

I can truly say that I have never heard of Duncan Hunter before. And I even watched a Republican debate. But I will not count that against him. My vote goes with how a candidate stands on the key issues. So let's see what his official web site has to say.

To start with, looks like he used the same template as Rudy Giuliani to design his web site. LOL. Let me take that back. At least I could quickly find where Rudy stood on the issues from his web site. I am having trouble using Duncan's web site with Internet Explorer. Deduct 10 points right there.

Well I manage to get to some page on Duncan's web site. I am not sure if it his main issues page or not. But at least it appears he is pro life. He also believes that marriage is between a man and a woman. However I needed to read through a whole paragraph of political speak before deciphering his stance. Come on now. I think Duncan is for the right to bear arms. But reading his lengthy stance leaves me not entirely clear. Duncan looks like he has something to say against gambling. But once again I am not sure what he is saying.

I had to stop my Duncan Hunter research. Official web site is not user friendly. More importantly, I read his words and cannot discern where he stands on the issues important to me. The last straw is that these ambiguous stances are buried in rhetoric on a number of issues that do not seem to be key ones. I utterly feel as if I wasted my time visiting his web site. But I did gain one important conclusion, Duncan Hunter is out.