Dennis Kucinich

It is nothing personal. But my initial reaction to Dennis Kucinich is how do you pronounce Kucinich? It must not roll off the tongue like Bush or Clinton or Carter. But let's not count it entirely against him. On to his stance on the issues.

Once again, Dennis tries to sign me up for his campaign like other Democratic candidate web sites. Stop wasting my time already! Dennis gets another strike against him in that it is hard to figure out how to get to his real web site. Don't piss off a potential voter before we even get to hear what you have to say.

Dennis prides himself on initially voting against the war in Iraq. That was indeed a bold move. Dennis comes right out and states he will end our participation in NAFTA and the WTO. Bam. Another seriously bold move. Now I have to give this to Dennis. He gave me a taste of where he stands on the issues. And he has made me go to his more detailed issues page. This is the first candidate who succeeded in doing this.

Wow. Dennis wants to legalize marijuana. LOL. And Dennis is against outsourcing. Two thumbs up here. And Dennis wants the rich and big business to pay more in taxes. He might not be popular with some, but I am starting to really like this guy. Dennis comes out and condemns torture. Straight and to the point. My kind of president. Dennis wants to make Washington DC a state. Wow. This man is firing on all cylinders.

The more I read about Dennis Kucinich, the more I like about him. Here is one more gem. He wants to repeal the Patriot Act. Here is a democrat after my own heart. Ladies and gentlemen. We may have a winner here. So let me wrap up the rest of the democratic candidates to see if anybody else comes close to the heart as Dennis Kucinich.