Hillary Clinton

Sometimes I think it is not fair for Hillary Clinton. She can't help but be in the shadow of her husband. And I count that against her. I did not like Bill Clinton as president. I just did not trust him. Now don't get me wrong. I bet he is an extremely likeable guy. A great speaker. But not somebody I would trust to lead the country. However he somehow won 2 terms.

Prior to doing any research, I personally know great people who think the world of Hillary. And I also know those who hold it against her that she moved to New York and then became senator there. I know she is a pretty good speaker. And she stood by her man during the Monica Gate. But let's see where she stands on the issues.

Great. Hillary's web site bring me to a form to sign up to support her. What kind of cheap trick is this? Hillary states that she is for the middle class. I think my family is middle class. Yay. Hillary comes right out and says it is time to end the war in Iraq. Direct. Nice. But it is all down hill from there.

Hillary wants affordable health care. She wants energy independence. She cares for children. She wants to restore America's standing. Blah blah blah. Every single candidate wants all these things. But there is nothing new or unique here, except for her bold and direct stance on ending the war in Iraq. I wanted to give Hillary Clinton a chance. But it does not appear she stands for much. At least not by looking at her web site. Too bad. Next.