Who to vote for?

I am starting this blog to help figure out who to vote for president. Now that I am registered to vote, I got to do the research. Mom tries to make me watch these debates on TV. But they are terribly boring. I am hoping the web can help me cut through the political bullshit and choose the leader who will be best for me.

Here are some issues I am concerned about. I plan to gauge each candidate on where they stand on these.
  • The war in Iraq is costing a lot of money and lives. How can we end it quickly?
  • Gas costs a couple bucks a gallon. How can we lower the price so I can drive?
  • I hear outsourcing is rampant. Jobs are moving overseas. How do we protect my work future?
  • Illegal immigration is bringing in people who use up resources but may not be chipping in. How can we fix that?
  • The USA used to be the world superpower. And even though we may not like to think about it, other countries are rising up. How can we restore world domination so I can live the good life?

Well. That last point might be overdoing it a bit. But the bottom line is that I want a president that can increase the chance that I can enjoy the good life. Hey. I plan to work hard in college. And when I graduate I will work hard in a full time job. But I want this hard work to pay off.

Join me in the search for the best presidential choice for Election 08.