Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson is another candidate that I never heard of before. But I won't count that against him, as long as he stands right on key issues.

At first arrival on Fred's official web site, I saw that he had 1299 friends. On the surface that sounds pretty damn sad. But I guess he means that 1299 people contributed to his campaign online. Bad presentation though.

Every candidate I have researched so far had an issues summary page. They list 12 or so issues, and a quick blurb on where the candidate stands. Fred's issues page only has links to other pages. He is making me do more work to find out where he stands. OK. I will bite for a couple key issues. But I am already annoyed.

Oh no. I tried to open one of Fred's issues links in a new Internet Explorer window. I get a message stating "The page cannot be displayed". Fred Thompson lost my vote before he even got to say anything. Who knows? Maybe his webmaster likes popups or something. My web browser has them disabled. And my vote for him has been lost.