Ron Paul

Ron Paul is another candidate I initially knew nothing about. To his credit, I saw a video on YouTube from someone talking about him. At least he must have made a stir enough to get somebody to speak up on him. At it wasn't something cheesy like Obama Girl.

So I checked out Ron's offical web site. Apparently Ron has a PhD. Not sure what he major was though. Ron is for lower taxes. Amen. It sounds like he really wants to do something about illegal immigration. So far so good. Ron is against world organizations that threaten our independence like NAFTA. I know a close buddy of mine would love to hear that. And Ron is against the war in Iraq. All good stuff. Ron is definitely pro life. He also is for the right to bear arms.

I had heard some jokes before about Ron Paul getting 0% of the votes before. Not sure what election that was for. But I liked everything I read on his web site. This candidate is a serious contender for my vote. I will need to see if future research on the other candidates shows someone more worthy for my vote. And if nothing else, I will dig deeper into what Ron Paul represents.