Mike Gravel

Who is Mike Gravel? Seriously. I never heard of him before. But I will give the man this. His web site is simple and well organized. I was able to jump immediately to his issues page. Let's hope his take on the issues impresses me as well.

Mike wants to immediately withdraw all troops from Iraq. He is starting out strong. Mike wants to eliminate the IRS and income taxes. Ooops. I heard this before and think it is irresponsible. Mike also is pro choice. Minus 5 points. Mike lost me on his lengthy discussion on illegal immigration. In other words, I don't think he has a solid opinion. Mike supports gay marriages. This guy is sinking fast.

At this point there is no real reason for me to find any more information about Mike Gravel. I was hoping for some strong values that match mine. Especially because he came out and stated we need to end the war in Iraq. On a lighter note, Mike counts the war on drugs as a key issue. That seems a bit funny in that nobody else mentions this.